Tuesday 2 August 2016

Check it out

Start you morning with wellness from Aloe Vera Gel - check it out with me.....


working at cellular level to give you a top performance

Go Global Turkey

Türkiye'de bir takım oluşturmak isteyen
I am based in London and looking for a team to build in Turkey, with even just 4 team members that can reach out and build a network in Turkey it will be great.  With more even better.  You can enjoy great products to feel and look good.  Message me on facebook or email me on foreverlivingseasonsATgmail.com to discuss this

At meetings in Turkey quote my number to join in my team. 

teşekkür ederim
Lets navigate together to achieve our goals of success.

Shop to Dubai

Let your well being and look good shopping earn you the chance to buy in Dubai and achieve the success to join the Global Rally in 2017  - come on board as an independent business owner with Forever Living Products... Come and join my team Forever Living Seasons and build your network of customers and independent business owners.   

The power of recommendation and the power of having your personalised shopping link and the company manage the orders for you... and give you the commission and the bonus.... 


My dear readers, followers, customers and sign ups to this business, I have been unable to keep up to my updates as I have had a very busy month with a very dear project to link up an extended Syrian refugee family that are now scattered between Turkey, Greece and Germany.  I have been through some amazing times of sharing and report regularly to the UNHCR with all that I am doing and this family feel my family now.   Sadly I cannot show you my contacts for safety reasons.  But in Athens I had a the most wonderful time meeting the youngest member a sweet and so so cute 2 year girl my little princess. She is amazing and is like a light about the place attracting both locals and tourist to her to talk... We are together writing a book so one day you will see this family.  

I am on a massive recruitment drive to join my Forever Living Seasons team... as at the moment what I do is with a small pension.  But think folks if we can all make this business work to its full potential.  How much richer our lives will be... not just financial richness but with the ability to have residual income to help so many people in need... and introduce them to the business too with great products for well being and to look good too.  There is a chance to build a future with this business where all benefit. 

Please message me on facebook or email me foreverlivingseasonsATgmail.com for more information.  Those in London we can meet up at the Product centre in Fulham to find out more about the products and the business plan. 

But been enjoying the products that Greece as to offer too this yummy cinnamon brioche and example... 

their lovely olive oil soap
and in Antalya Turkey there was an amazing array of goods.

One thing I really observed was the dire need for good business turn over in both places.  There is a need globally for good trade relations and product turn over to be able to live.  The concept of network marketing is an amazing way we can all benefit from one anothers shopping and product use..... so worth us all looking a the business plan and something that can be worked alongside existing business and careers.   The products help your well being to meet all the life demands and challenges... 

Lets navigate together to success that each of us wants to achieve.